Last Updated on 2024-05-07

Journal Articles

  1. Soyoka Makino, Naoko Tokuchi, Daisuke Akaishi, Lina A. Koyama, Yukio Komai, Yoshimi Itaya, Nay Lin Maung, Kanae Ishimaru, Tomoki Oda, Rei Shibata, Shinya Numamoto (2024) Citizen‐participatory nationwide survey of mountain streamwater chemistry in Japan in 2022: Comparison of nitrate concentrations with the 2003 survey. Ecological Research (DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12465)
  2. Takehiko Y. Ito, Atsushi Miyazaki, Lina A. Koyama, Kisa Kamada, Dai Nagamatsu (2022) Antler detection from the sky: deer sex ratio monitoring using drone-mounted thermal infrared sensors. Wildlife Biology. 2022: e01034 (DOI: 10.1002/wlb3.01034).
  3. Lina A. Koyama and Knut Kielland (2022) Seasonal changes in nitrate assimilation of boreal woody species: importance of the leaf-expansion period. Trees. (DOI: 10.1007/s00468-021-02259-9) available from:
  4. Lina A. Koyama, Masakazu Terai, Naoko Tokuchi (2020) Nitrate reductase activities in plants from different ecological and taxonomic groups grown in Japan. Ecological Research 35(5) 708-712 (ERDP-2019-06; DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12083)
  5. Lina A. Koyama and Knut Kielland (2019) Black spruce assimilates nitrate in boreal winter. Tree Physiology 39(4) 536-543 (DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpy109)
  6. Xue-Yan Liu, Keisuke Koba, Lina A. Koyama, Sarah E. Hobbie, Marissa S. Weiss, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Gaius R. Shaver, Anne E. Giblin, Satoru Hobara, Knute J. Nadelhoffer, Martin Sommerkorn, Edward B. Rastetter, George W. Kling, James A. Laundre, Yuriko Yano, Akiko Makabe, Midori Yano, and Cong-Qiang Liu (2018) Nitrate is an important nitrogen source for Arctic tundra plants, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 3398-3403(DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1715382115)
  7. Wei Chen, Kazuyuki Moriya, Tetsuro Sakai, Lina Koyama, Chunxiang Cao (2016) Mapping a burned forest area from Landsat TM data by multiple methods. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 7, 384-402 (DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2014. 925982)
  8. Christian E. Vincenot, Anja M. Collazo, Kristy Wallmo, Lina Koyama (2015) Public awareness and perceptual factors in the conservation of elusive species: The case of the endangered Ryukyu flying fox, Global Ecology and Conservation 3, 526-540 (DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2015.02.005)
  9. Christian E. Vincenot, Lina Koyama, Danilo Russo (2015) Near Threatened? First Report of Unsuspected Human-Driven Decline Factors in the Ryukyu Flying Fox (Pteropus dasymallus) in Japan, Mammalian Biology 80, 273-277 (DOI: 10.1016/j.mambio.2015.03.003)
  10. Wei Chen, Kazuyuki Moriya, Tetsuro Sakai, Lina Koyama, Chunxiang Cao (2014) Monitoring of post-fire forest recovery under different restoration modes based on time series Landsat data. European Journal of Remote Sensing 47, 153-168 (DOI: 10.5721/EuJRS20144710)
  11. Wei Chen, Kazuyuki Moriya, Tetsuro Sakai, Lina Koyama, Chunxiang Cao (2014) Post-fire forest regeneration under different restoration treatments in the Greater Hinggan Mountain area of China. Ecological Engineering 70, 304-311
  12. Makoto Kobayashi, Takuya Kajimoto, Lina Koyama, Gaku Kudo, Hideaki Shibata, Yosuke Yanai, J. H. C. Cornelissen (2014) Winter climate change in plant–soil systems: summary of recent findings and future perspectives. Ecological Research 29(4), 593-606 (DOI: 10.1007/s11284-013-1115-0)
  13. 上 佳孝・小山里奈 (2014) 砂丘草原におけるデジタルカメラ画像解析による植生調査手法開発の試み. システム農学31(1), 9-18
  14. Mahdi Kolahi, Tetsuro Sakai, Kazuyuki Moriya, Majid F. Makhdoum, Lina Koyama (2013) Assessment of the effectiveness of protected areas management in Iran: Case study Khojir National Park.Environmental Management 52, 514-530 (DOI: 10.1007/s00267-013-0061-5)
  15. Wei Chen, Tetsuro Sakai, Kazuyuki Moriya, Lina Koyama, Chunxiang Cao, (2013) Estimation of Vegetation Coverage in Semi-arid Sandy Land Based on Multivariate Statistical Modeling Using Remote Sensing Data, Environmental Modeling & Assessment 18, 547-558 (DOI: 10.1007/s10666-013-9359-1)
  16. Lina Koyama, Muneto Hirobe, Keisuke Koba, Naoko Tokuchi (2013) Nitrate-use traits of understory plants as potential regulators of vegetation distribution on a slope in a Japanese cedar plantation. Plant and Soil 362, 119-134 (DOI: 10.1007/s11104-012-1257-9)
  17. Lina Koyama and Knut Kielland (2011) Plant physiological responses to hydrologically mediated changes in nitrogen supply on a boreal forest floodplain: a mechanism explaining the discrepancy in nitrogen demand and supply. Plant and Soil 342, 129-139. (DOI: 10.1007/s11104-010-0676-8)
  18. Lina Koyama, Naoko Tokuchi, Keitaro Fukushima, Masakazu Terai, Yasuhiro Yamamoto (2008) Seasonal changes in nitrate use by three woody species: the importance of the leaf-expansion period. Trees 22, 851-859. (DOI: 10.1007/s00468-008-0246-3) available from:
  19. 小山里奈 (2004) 植物の窒素吸収と同化:硝酸態窒素に対する種の依存性と反応性. 環境科学会誌17, 205-210.
  20. 小山里奈 (2004) 樹木-土壌系の窒素循環 〜樹木による土壌中の窒素の吸収と同化〜. 地球環境9(1), 11-18.
  21. Lina Koyama and Naoko Tokuchi (2003) Effects of NO3-N availability on NO3-N use in seedlings of three woody shrub species. Tree Physiology 23, 281-288. (DOI: 10.1093/treephys/23.4.281)
  22. Keisuke Koba, Muneto Hirobe, Lina Koyama, Ayato Kohzu, Naoko Tokuchi, Knute J. Nadelhoffer, Eitaro Wada, Hiroshi Takeda (2003) Natural 15N abundance of plants and soil N in a temperate coniferous forest.Ecosystems 6, 457-469. (DOI: 10.1007/s10021-002-0132-6)
  23. Lina Koyama, Naoko Tokuchi, Muneto Hirobe and Keisuke Koba (2001) The potential of NO3-N utilization by a woody shrub species Lindera triloba: a cultivation test to estimate the saturation point of soil NO3-N for plants. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 1(S2), 514-519.

Book Chapters

  1. 小山里奈(2019)5.1 水循環,石井弘明ら(編)森林生態学,朝倉書店,pp101-111 ISBN: 978-4254470543
  2. 小山里奈(2018)第8章 植物の養分利用(加藤知道(監訳)生態系生態学(第2版);Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology; 2nd edition, Chapin FS, Matson PA, Vitousek P(2011))森北出版,pp273-312
  3. 徳地直子・小山里奈 (2004) 窒素動態と代謝, 小池孝良(編)樹木生理生態学, 朝倉書店, pp150-157 ISBN: 978-4254470376


  1. Wei Chen, Tetsuro Sakai, Chunxiang Cao, Kazuyuki Moriya, Lina Koyama, Detection of forest disturbance in the Greater Hinggan mountain of China based on landsat time-series data, Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2012, 7232-7235. 2012
  2. Lina Koyama, Naoko Tokuchi, Muneto Hirobe, Satoru Hobara, Karl Olson and Knut Kielland, Plant Responses to Biogeochemical Shifts in Nitrogen Dynamics Following Wild Fire, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA-7) 254-257. 2007
  3. Naoto Kamata, Yuki Kunihisa, Lina Koyama, Naoya Wada, Altitudinal variation in beech foliage properties: With special reference to insect outbreaks and nitrogen cycling. Proceedings: International Symposium of the Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program 1, 415-419. 2003
  4. Lina Koyama, Soil nitrogen availability as a controlling factor of plant nitrogen use and distribution. Proceedings: International Symposium of the Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program 1, 410-414. 2003
  5. 小山里奈・徳地直子,富栄養酸性雨の生物多様性への影響. 遺伝54 (11),33-38. 2000
  6. Kayoko Kameda, Keisuke Koba, Chikage Yoshimizu, Satomi Fujiwara, Satoru Hobara, Lina Koyama, Naoko Tokuchi, Atsushi Takayanagi (2000) Nutrient flux from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystem mediated by the Great Cormorant. Sylvia 36, 54-55.
  7. 小山里奈・廣部 宗・木庭啓介・徳地直子・岩坪五郎, 滋賀県竜王山の斜面における窒素の動態(II) ―下層植生の分布と植物体中の窒素―.日本林学会論文集107,467-468. 1996


  1. 谷村直道・西田菜都子・奥村光貴・加納泰斗・小山里奈, 大学におけるジェンダー平等の達成に向けて大学院生は何を提言できるか, 京都大学大学院情報学研究科社会情報学専攻問題発見型・解決型学習2022年度前期成果報告. 2022年9月
  2. スウェーデンの博士論文審査事情京大広報 754号 洛書. 2021年1月
  3. 若手教員長期海外渡航支援事業報告」情報学広報 第22号. 2020年8月
  4. 新刊紹介:森林生態学」水文水資源学会誌, 32(4) 201-202. 2019年8月9日
  5. 植物はどうやって難局を切り抜けているのか京大先生シアター 2019年3月28日
  6. ツンドラの生態系でも硝酸イオンは大切な窒素源だった -最先端の測定技術で「見えない」硝酸イオンの重要性を検証-」京都大学プレスリリース 2018年03月14日
  7.  「いつか「女性」研究者と呼ばれない日」京都大学男女共同参画推進センターニュースレター「たちばな」連載:研究者になる! 第 59 回 2016年12月25日